
Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import re

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from torchtime.exceptions import ArffFileParseException

[docs]def load_from_arff_to_dataframe( file_path: str, return_labels: bool = True, nan_to: str = "NaN", ): """Load data from a .ts file into a Pandas DataFrame. Args: file_path (str): The full pathname of the .ts file to read. return_labels (bool): true then X and Y values should be returned as separate Data Frames ( X) and a numpy array (y), false otherwise. This is only relevant for data. nan_to (str): The value that missing values in the text file should be replaced with prior to parsing. Returns: DataFrame, ndarray: If return_separate_X_and_y then a tuple containing a DataFrame and a numpy array containing the relevant time-series and corresponding class values. DataFrame: If not return_separate_X_and_y then a single DataFrame containing all time-series and (if relevant) a column "class_vals" the associated class values. """ instance_list = [] class_val_list = [] class_labels = None data_started = False is_multi_variate = False has_class_labels = False is_first_case = True # Parse the file with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: if line.strip(): if ( is_multi_variate is False and "@attribute" in line.lower() and "relational" in line.lower() ): is_multi_variate = True if ( has_class_labels is False and "@attribute" in line.lower() and ("target" in line.lower() or "classAttribute" in line.lower()) ): has_class_labels = True pattern = re.compile(r"{([\w,]+)}") result = class_labels =',') if len(set(class_labels)) != len(class_labels): raise ArffFileParseException("Targets contain duplicate values!") if "@data" in line.lower(): data_started = True continue # if the 'data tag has been found, the header information # has been cleared and now data can be loaded if data_started: line = line.replace("?", nan_to) if is_multi_variate: if has_class_labels: line, class_val = line.split("',") class_val_list.append(class_val.strip()) dimensions = line.split("\\n") dimensions[0] = dimensions[0].replace("'", "") if is_first_case: for _d in range(len(dimensions)): instance_list.append([]) is_first_case = False for dim in range(len(dimensions)): instance_list[dim].append( pd.Series( [float(i) for i in dimensions[dim].split(",")] ) ) else: if is_first_case: instance_list.append([]) is_first_case = False line_parts = line.split(",") if has_class_labels: instance_list[0].append( pd.Series( [ float(i) for i in line_parts[: len(line_parts) - 1] ] ) ) class_val_list.append(line_parts[-1].strip()) else: instance_list[0].append( pd.Series( [float(i) for i in line_parts[: len(line_parts)]] ) ) x_data = pd.DataFrame(dtype=np.float32) for dim in range(len(instance_list)): x_data["dim_" + str(dim)] = instance_list[dim] if return_labels: return x_data, np.asarray(class_val_list), class_labels else: if has_class_labels: x_data["class_vals"] = pd.Series(class_val_list) return x_data, class_labels