
Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import re
import warnings
from enum import Enum, auto
from typing import Dict, List, Union, Tuple, Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch

from ..exceptions import TsFileParseException
from ..utils import stack_pad

class TsTagValuePattern(Enum):
    Enumeration holding the known `.ts` file headers tag value types in the form of regex expressions.
    BOOLEAN = re.compile(r"(?:tru|fals)e")
    ANY_CONNECTED_STRING = re.compile(r"\w+")
    INTEGER_NUMBER = re.compile(r"\d+")
    CLASS_LABEL = re.compile(r"(?:tru|fals)e(?:(?<=true)((?: [^\s]+)+)|(?<=false))")
    # ((?:tru|fals)e)(?(?<=true)((?: \w+)+))(?=\s)

class TsTag(str, Enum):
    Enumeration holding the names of the known `.ts` file tag names.
    PROBLEM_NAME = "problemName"
    TIMESTAMPS = "timeStamps"
    MISSING = "missing"
    EQUAL_LENGTH = "equalLength"
    SERIES_LENGTH = "seriesLength"
    CLASS_LABEL = "classLabel"
    UNIVARIATE = "univariate"
    DIMENSIONS = "dimensions"

[docs]class TSFileLoader: """ File loader that can load time series files in sktimes `.ts` file format. Args: filepath (str): The path to the `.ts` file. nan_replace_value (int, float or str, optional): The value, by which the missing value indicator "?" should be replaced. Default: "NaN". """
[docs] class State(Enum): """ TSFileLoader's internal parsing state. """ PREFACE = 0 HEADER = 1 BODY = 2 BODY_TIME_STAMPS = 21
# Dict mapping known `.ts` file header tags to their respective parsing expression header_info: Dict[TsTag, TsTagValuePattern] = { TsTag.PROBLEM_NAME: TsTagValuePattern.ANY_CONNECTED_STRING, TsTag.TIMESTAMPS: TsTagValuePattern.BOOLEAN, TsTag.MISSING: TsTagValuePattern.BOOLEAN, TsTag.EQUAL_LENGTH: TsTagValuePattern.BOOLEAN, TsTag.SERIES_LENGTH: TsTagValuePattern.INTEGER_NUMBER, TsTag.CLASS_LABEL: TsTagValuePattern.CLASS_LABEL, TsTag.UNIVARIATE: TsTagValuePattern.BOOLEAN, TsTag.DIMENSIONS: TsTagValuePattern.INTEGER_NUMBER } required_meta_info: List[TsTag] = [TsTag.PROBLEM_NAME, TsTag.CLASS_LABEL, TsTag.EQUAL_LENGTH, TsTag.MISSING, TsTag.TIMESTAMPS]
[docs] def as_tensor(self, return_targets: bool = False) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, List[str]]]: """Return the loaded data as a 3-dimensional tensor of the form (N, C, S). Keyword Args: return_targets (bool): Returns: torch.Tensor: A 3 dimensional tensor. """ data_ = [] if len( == 0: self.parse() for dim in data_.append(stack_pad(dim)) data_ = torch.permute(torch.stack(data_, dim=-1), (0, 2, 1)) if self.header[TsTag.CLASS_LABEL] and return_targets: return data_, self.targets return data_
[docs] def as_dataframe(self, return_targets: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return the loaded data as a pandas dataframe. Keyword Args: return_targets (bool): Identifies whether the targets should be included in the returned dataframe. If True, the targets will be added as an additional column 'targets' to the dataframe. This only has an effect if there are class labels available in the datafile that was parsed in the first place. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A nested pandas dataframe holding the dimensions as columns and the number examples as rows, where every cell contains a pandas Series containing a univariate time series. If `return_targets` is set, it will also contain a column 'targets' that contains the class labels of every example. """ data = pd.DataFrame(dtype=np.float32) if len( == 0: self.parse() for dim in range(0, len( data["dim_" + str(dim)] =[dim] if self.header[TsTag.CLASS_LABEL] and return_targets: data["targets"] = self.targets return data
[docs] def get_classes(self): """Return the classes found in the '.ts' file Returns: List[str]: List of class names as string. """ if self.header[TsTag.CLASS_LABEL]: return self.header[TsTag.CLASS_LABEL] else: raise AttributeError(f"The '.ts' file {self.filename} does not have any class labels")
def __init__(self, filepath: str, nan_replace_value: Union[int, float, str] = "NaN"): self.filename = filepath self.line_number = 1 self.file = open(filepath, "r", encoding="utf-8") self.state = self.State.PREFACE self.header = {k: None for k in self.header_info.keys()} = [] self.targets = [] self.dim = None self.series_length = 0 self.timestamp_type = None self.nan_replace_value = nan_replace_value
[docs] def parse_header(self, line: str) -> None: """Parses a line of a `.ts` file header and updates the internal state of the loader with the extracted information. Args: line (str): The header line to parse. Returns: None """ if not line.startswith("@"): raise TsFileParseException( f"Line number {self.line_number} was interpreted as HEADER but does not start with '@'!" ) line = line[1:] if len(line) == 0: raise TsFileParseException( f"Line number {self.line_number} contains an empty tag!" ) tokens = [token.strip() for token in line.split(" ", maxsplit=1)] token_len = len(tokens) if token_len == 1: raise TsFileParseException( f"tag '{tokens[0]}' at line number {self.line_number} requires an associated value!" ) tag = TsTag(tokens[0]) value_pattern = self.header_info[tag] value = value_pattern.value.match(tokens[1]) if value: if len(value.groups()) > 1: raise TsFileParseException( "Value extractor should return exactly ONE match!" ) if len(value.groups()) > 0: value = else: value = self.header[tag] = self.parse_header_value(value, value_pattern)
[docs] def parse_header_value(self, value: str, value_type: TsTagValuePattern) -> Union[bool, str, int, List[str]]: """Parse a single header value that was extracted by the header line parser and return its value as the appropriate python object. Args: value (str): Extracted header value that should be parsed. value_type (TsTagValuePattern): The expected type of the value, which should be applied. Returns: bool: If the value is of type BOOLEAN. `value` converted to bool str: If the value is of type ANY_CONNECTED_STRING. Returns the stripped value string. List[str]: If the value is of type CLASS_LABEL. Returns a list of space separated string class labels. """ if value_type == TsTagValuePattern.BOOLEAN: return value == "true" if value_type == TsTagValuePattern.ANY_CONNECTED_STRING: return value.strip() if value_type == TsTagValuePattern.CLASS_LABEL: if value is None: return False return value.strip().split(" ") if value_type == TsTagValuePattern.INTEGER_NUMBER: try: value = int(value) except ValueError: raise TsFileParseException( f"Value '{value}' in line {self.line_number} could not be interpreted as int" ) return value
[docs] def parse_body(self, line: str) -> None: """Parse a line of the `@data` content of a `.ts` file if `@timeStamps` is `False`. Args: line (str): The `@data` line to parse. Returns: None """ dimensions = line.split(":") if not if not self.header[TsTag.DIMENSIONS]: warnings.warn("Meta information for '@dimensions' is missing. Inferring from data.", UserWarning, stacklevel=2) self.dim = len(dimensions) # last dimension is the target if self.header[TsTag.CLASS_LABEL]: self.dim -= 1 = [[] for _ in range(self.dim)] # Check dimensionality of the data of the current line # All dimensions should be included for all series, even if they are empty line_dim = len(dimensions) if self.header[TsTag.CLASS_LABEL]: line_dim -= 1 if line_dim != self.dim: raise TsFileParseException( f"Inconsistent number of dimensions. Expecting {self.dim} but got {line_dim} " f"in line number {self.line_number}." ) # Process the data for each dimension for dim in range(0, self.dim): dimension = dimensions[dim].strip() if dimension: dimension = dimension.replace("?", self.nan_replace_value) data_series = dimension.split(",") data_series = [float(i) for i in data_series] dim_len = len(data_series) if self.series_length < dim_len: if not self.header[TsTag.EQUAL_LENGTH]: self.series_length = dim_len else: raise TsFileParseException( f"Series length was given as {self.series_length} but dimension {dim} in line " f"{self.line_number} is of length {dim_len}" )[dim].append(pd.Series(data_series)) else:[dim].append(pd.Series(dtype="object")) if self.header[TsTag.CLASS_LABEL]: self.targets.append(dimensions[self.dim].strip())
[docs] def parse_timestamp_tuple(self, tuple_data: str, line_dim: int) -> Tuple[Union[str, int], float]: """Parse a timestamp tuple of the form `(<timestamp>,<float>)` Args: tuple_data (str): The timestamp tuple as string. line_dim (str): The dimension of the line being current parsed. Returns: Tuple[int, float]: If the timestamp can be interpreted as an integer, return a tuple of the timestamp as int and the value as float. Tuple[str, float]: Else, the timestamp is probably a date, return a tuple of the timestamp as str and the value as float. The timestamp is later converted to an actual DateIndex using pandas. """ last_comma_index = tuple_data.rfind(",") if last_comma_index == -1: raise TsFileParseException( f"Dimension {line_dim} on line {self.line_number} contains a tuple that has no comma " f"inside of it" ) try: value = tuple_data[last_comma_index + 1:] value = float(value) except ValueError: raise TsFileParseException( f"Dimension {line_dim} on line {self.line_number} contains a tuple that does not have " f"a valid numeric value" ) timestamp = tuple_data[0:last_comma_index] try: timestamp = int(timestamp) line_timestamp_type = int except ValueError: try: timestamp = timestamp.strip() line_timestamp_type = str except ValueError: raise TsFileParseException( f"Dimension {line_dim} on line {self.line_number} contains a tuple that has an invalid " f"timestamp '{timestamp}'" ) if self.timestamp_type is None: self.timestamp_type = line_timestamp_type if line_timestamp_type != self.timestamp_type: raise TsFileParseException( f"Dimension {line_dim} on line {self.line_number} contains tuples where the " "timestamp format is inconsistent" ) return timestamp, value
[docs] def parse_body_timestamps(self, line: str) -> None: """Parse a line of the `@data` content of a `.ts` file if `@timeStamps` is `True`. Args: line (str): The `@data` line to parse. Returns: None """ line_len = len(line) line_state = None char_num = 0 line_dim = 0 tuple_data = None target = None timestamps_for_dim = [] values_for_dim = [] if line.startswith("#"): raise TsFileParseException( f"Comments are not allowed in '@data' in line {self.line_number}" ) while char_num < line_len: token = line[char_num] if line_state is None and not token.isspace(): line_state = TsTimestampLineState.START_LINE try: line_state = except ValueError as ve: raise TsFileParseException( str(ve) + f" in dimension {line_dim} of line {self.line_number}" ) if line_state == TsTimestampLineState.START_TUPLE: tuple_data = "" elif line_state == TsTimestampLineState.IN_TUPLE: tuple_data += token elif line_state == TsTimestampLineState.IN_DIM: timestamp, value = self.parse_timestamp_tuple(tuple_data, line_dim) timestamps_for_dim += [timestamp] values_for_dim += [value] elif line_state == TsTimestampLineState.IN_DATA: if len( < line_dim + 1:[]) if self.timestamp_type == str: timestamps_for_dim = pd.DatetimeIndex(timestamps_for_dim)[line_dim].append(pd.Series(index=timestamps_for_dim, data=values_for_dim)) line_dim += 1 timestamps_for_dim = [] values_for_dim = [] elif line_state == TsTimestampLineState.EMPTY_DIM: if len( < line_dim + 1:[])[line_dim].append(pd.Series(dtype="object")) line_dim += 1 elif line_state == TsTimestampLineState.IN_CLASS_LABEL: if target is None: target = "" target += token char_num += 1 if line_state not in [TsTimestampLineState.IN_DIM, TsTimestampLineState.EMPTY_DIM, TsTimestampLineState.IN_CLASS_LABEL]: raise TsFileParseException( f"Unexpected end of file in line {self.line_number}" ) if not self.header[TsTag.CLASS_LABEL] and line_state == TsTimestampLineState.IN_CLASS_LABEL: raise TsFileParseException( f"File did not specify '@classLabel true' but a label was detected in line {self.line_number}" ) if self.header[TsTag.CLASS_LABEL]: if line_state != TsTimestampLineState.IN_CLASS_LABEL: raise TsFileParseException( f"File specified '@classLabel true' but no class label was provided in line {self.line_number}" ) if target not in self.header[TsTag.CLASS_LABEL]: raise TsFileParseException( f"The class value '{target}' on line {self.line_number} is not valid" ) else: self.targets.append(target)
[docs] def verify_metadata(self) -> None: """Verifies the parsed metadata of a `.ts` file by checking whether a full set of metadata has been provided. Returns: None """ for k in self.required_meta_info: if self.header[k] is None: raise TsFileParseException( f"Required header tag {k} is missing. A full set of metadata has not been provided before the data" ) if self.header[TsTag.UNIVARIATE]: if self.header[TsTag.DIMENSIONS]: raise TsFileParseException( "The '@dimensions' tag is not allowed if '@univariate true'" ) else: if self.header[TsTag.DIMENSIONS] is None: raise TsFileParseException( "The '@dimensions' tag is expected if '@univariate false'" ) if self.header[TsTag.EQUAL_LENGTH]: if self.header[TsTag.SERIES_LENGTH] is None: raise TsFileParseException( "The '@seriesLength' tag is required if '@equalLength true'" ) else: if self.header[TsTag.SERIES_LENGTH]: raise TsFileParseException( "The '@seriesLength' tag is not allowed if '@euqalLength false'" )
def set_metadata(self): if self.header[TsTag.UNIVARIATE]: self.dim = 1 else: self.dim = self.header[TsTag.DIMENSIONS] if self.header[TsTag.SERIES_LENGTH]: self.series_length = self.header[TsTag.SERIES_LENGTH]
[docs] def parse(self): """Parses a `.ts` sktime formatted time series file. Returns: None """ while (line := next(self.file, None)) is not None: line = line.strip() if self.state == self.State.PREFACE and line.startswith("@"): self.state = self.State.HEADER if self.state == self.State.HEADER: if line == "@data": self.verify_metadata() self.set_metadata() if self.header[TsTag.TIMESTAMPS]: self.state = self.State.BODY_TIME_STAMPS else: self.state = self.State.BODY else: self.parse_header(line) elif self.state == self.State.BODY: self.parse_body(line) elif self.state == self.State.BODY_TIME_STAMPS: self.parse_body_timestamps(line) self.line_number += 1
class TsTimestampLineState(int, Enum): """ Final state machine for handling the line parser state in `.ts` files that have timestamps. """ START_LINE = auto() IN_DATA = auto() IN_DIM = auto() BEFORE_TUPLE = auto() START_TUPLE = auto() IN_TUPLE = auto() IN_CLASS_LABEL = auto() EMPTY_DIM = auto() def next(self, token: str) -> TsTimestampLineState: """Performs a state transition. A state transition can here consist of multiple atomic transitions in order. Args: token (str): The token at the current position. Returns (TsTimestampLineState): The new state after state transition. """ token_restrictions: Dict[TsTimestampLineState, Optional[Tuple[bool, str]]] = { self.START_LINE: (True, "(:"), self.IN_DATA: None, self.IN_DIM: (True, ",:"), self.START_TUPLE: (False, "(),:"), self.IN_TUPLE: None, self.IN_CLASS_LABEL: (False, "(),:"), self.EMPTY_DIM: (True, "(:"), self.BEFORE_TUPLE: (True, "(") } if token_restrictions[self] is not None: white_list, tokens = token_restrictions[self] contains_token = token in tokens if (not contains_token and white_list) or (contains_token and not white_list): raise ValueError( f"Unexpected token {token} state {}" ) if self == self.START_LINE: if token == "(": return self.START_TUPLE elif token == ":": return self.EMPTY_DIM if self == self.EMPTY_DIM and token == "(": return self.START_TUPLE if self == self.IN_TUPLE and token == ")": return self.IN_DIM if self == self.IN_DIM: if token == ":": return self.IN_DATA elif token == ",": return self.BEFORE_TUPLE if self == self.IN_DATA: if token == "(": return self.START_TUPLE elif token == ":": return self.EMPTY_DIM else: return self.IN_CLASS_LABEL if self == self.START_TUPLE: if token not in "(),:": return self.IN_TUPLE if self == self.BEFORE_TUPLE and token == "(": return self.START_TUPLE return self def load_from_tsfile_to_dataframe( filepath, return_separate_x_and_y=True, return_class_labels=False, replace_missing_vals_with="NaN", ): """Load data from a .ts file into a Pandas DataFrame. Parameters ---------- filepath: str The full pathname of the .ts file to read. return_separate_x_and_y: bool true if X and Y values should be returned as separate Data Frames ( X) and a numpy array (y), false otherwise. This is only relevant for data that contains class labels. return_class_labels: bool true if the class labels parsed from the header should be returned, false otherwise. replace_missing_vals_with: str The value that missing values in the text file should be replaced with prior to parsing. Returns ------- DataFrame, ndarray If return_separate_X_and_y then a tuple containing a DataFrame and a numpy array containing the relevant time-series and corresponding class values. DataFrame If not return_separate_X_and_y then a single DataFrame containing all time-series and (if relevant) a column "class_vals" the associated class values. class_labels : ndarray The class labels. Only provided if return_class_labels is True. """ # Initialize flags and variables used when parsing the file metadata_started = False data_started = False has_problem_name_tag = False has_timestamps_tag = False has_univariate_tag = False has_class_labels_tag = False has_data_tag = False previous_timestamp_was_int = None prev_timestamp_was_timestamp = None num_dimensions = None is_first_case = True instance_list = [] class_val_list = [] line_num = 0 # Parse the file with open(filepath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: for line in file: # Strip white space from start/end of line and change to # lowercase for use below line = line.strip().lower() # Empty lines are valid at any point in a file if line: # Check if this line contains metadata # Please note that even though metadata is stored in this # function it is not currently published externally if line.startswith("@problemname"): # Check that the data has not started if data_started: raise TsFileParseException("metadata must come before data") # Check that the associated value is valid tokens = line.split(" ") token_len = len(tokens) if token_len == 1: raise TsFileParseException( "problemname tag requires an associated value" ) # problem_name = line[len("@problemname") + 1:] has_problem_name_tag = True metadata_started = True elif line.startswith("@timestamps"): # Check that the data has not started if data_started: raise TsFileParseException("metadata must come before data") # Check that the associated value is valid tokens = line.split(" ") token_len = len(tokens) if token_len != 2: raise TsFileParseException( "timestamps tag requires an associated Boolean " "value" ) elif tokens[1] == "true": timestamps = True elif tokens[1] == "false": timestamps = False else: raise TsFileParseException("invalid timestamps value") has_timestamps_tag = True metadata_started = True elif line.startswith("@univariate"): # Check that the data has not started if data_started: raise TsFileParseException("metadata must come before data") # Check that the associated value is valid tokens = line.split(" ") token_len = len(tokens) if token_len != 2: raise TsFileParseException( "univariate tag requires an associated Boolean " "value" ) elif tokens[1] == "true": # univariate = True pass elif tokens[1] == "false": # univariate = False pass else: raise TsFileParseException("invalid univariate value") has_univariate_tag = True metadata_started = True elif line.startswith("@classlabel"): # Check that the data has not started if data_started: raise TsFileParseException("metadata must come before data") # Check that the associated value is valid tokens = line.split(" ") token_len = len(tokens) if token_len == 1: raise TsFileParseException( "classlabel tag requires an associated Boolean " "value" ) if tokens[1] == "true": class_labels = True elif tokens[1] == "false": class_labels = False else: raise TsFileParseException("invalid classLabel value") # Check if we have any associated class values if token_len == 2 and class_labels: raise TsFileParseException( "if the classlabel tag is true then class values " "must be supplied" ) has_class_labels_tag = True class_label_list = [token.strip() for token in tokens[2:]] metadata_started = True # Check if this line contains the start of data elif line.startswith("@data"): if line != "@data": raise TsFileParseException( "data tag should not have an associated value" ) if data_started and not metadata_started: raise TsFileParseException("metadata must come before data") else: has_data_tag = True data_started = True # If the 'data tag has been found then metadata has been # parsed and data can be loaded elif data_started: # Check that a full set of metadata has been provided if ( not has_problem_name_tag or not has_timestamps_tag or not has_univariate_tag or not has_class_labels_tag or not has_data_tag ): raise TsFileParseException( "a full set of metadata has not been provided " "before the data" ) # Replace any missing values with the value specified line = line.replace("?", replace_missing_vals_with) # Check if we dealing with data that has timestamps if timestamps: # We're dealing with timestamps so cannot just split # line on ':' as timestamps may contain one has_another_value = False has_another_dimension = False timestamp_for_dim = [] values_for_dimension = [] this_line_num_dim = 0 line_len = len(line) char_num = 0 while char_num < line_len: # Move through any spaces while char_num < line_len and str.isspace(line[char_num]): char_num += 1 # See if there is any more data to read in or if # we should validate that read thus far if char_num < line_len: # See if we have an empty dimension (i.e. no # values) if line[char_num] == ":": if len(instance_list) < (this_line_num_dim + 1): instance_list.append([]) instance_list[this_line_num_dim].append( pd.Series(dtype="object") ) this_line_num_dim += 1 has_another_value = False has_another_dimension = True timestamp_for_dim = [] values_for_dimension = [] char_num += 1 else: # Check if we have reached a class label if line[char_num] != "(" and class_labels: class_val = line[char_num:].strip() if class_val not in class_label_list: raise TsFileParseException( "the class value '" + class_val + "' on line " + str(line_num + 1) + " is not " "valid" ) class_val_list.append(class_val) char_num = line_len has_another_value = False has_another_dimension = False timestamp_for_dim = [] values_for_dimension = [] else: # Read in the data contained within # the next tuple if line[char_num] != "(" and not class_labels: raise TsFileParseException( "dimension " + str(this_line_num_dim + 1) + " on line " + str(line_num + 1) + " does " "not " "start " "with a " "'('" ) char_num += 1 tuple_data = "" while ( char_num < line_len and line[char_num] != ")" ): tuple_data += line[char_num] char_num += 1 if ( char_num >= line_len or line[char_num] != ")" ): raise TsFileParseException( "dimension " + str(this_line_num_dim + 1) + " on line " + str(line_num + 1) + " does " "not end" " with a " "')'" ) # Read in any spaces immediately # after the current tuple char_num += 1 while char_num < line_len and str.isspace( line[char_num] ): char_num += 1 # Check if there is another value or # dimension to process after this tuple if char_num >= line_len: has_another_value = False has_another_dimension = False elif line[char_num] == ",": has_another_value = True has_another_dimension = False elif line[char_num] == ":": has_another_value = False has_another_dimension = True char_num += 1 # Get the numeric value for the # tuple by reading from the end of # the tuple data backwards to the # last comma last_comma_index = tuple_data.rfind(",") if last_comma_index == -1: raise TsFileParseException( "dimension " + str(this_line_num_dim + 1) + " on line " + str(line_num + 1) + " contains a tuple that has " "no comma inside of it" ) try: value = tuple_data[last_comma_index + 1:] value = float(value) except ValueError: raise TsFileParseException( "dimension " + str(this_line_num_dim + 1) + " on line " + str(line_num + 1) + " contains a tuple that does " "not have a valid numeric " "value" ) # Check the type of timestamp that # we have timestamp = tuple_data[0:last_comma_index] try: timestamp = int(timestamp) timestamp_is_int = True timestamp_is_timestamp = False except ValueError: timestamp_is_int = False if not timestamp_is_int: try: timestamp = timestamp.strip() timestamp_is_timestamp = True except ValueError: timestamp_is_timestamp = False # Make sure that the timestamps in # the file (not just this dimension # or case) are consistent if ( not timestamp_is_timestamp and not timestamp_is_int ): raise TsFileParseException( "dimension " + str(this_line_num_dim + 1) + " on line " + str(line_num + 1) + " contains a tuple that " "has an invalid timestamp '" + timestamp + "'" ) if ( previous_timestamp_was_int is not None and previous_timestamp_was_int and not timestamp_is_int ): raise TsFileParseException( "dimension " + str(this_line_num_dim + 1) + " on line " + str(line_num + 1) + " contains tuples where the " "timestamp format is " "inconsistent" ) if ( prev_timestamp_was_timestamp is not None and prev_timestamp_was_timestamp and not timestamp_is_timestamp ): raise TsFileParseException( "dimension " + str(this_line_num_dim + 1) + " on line " + str(line_num + 1) + " contains tuples where the " "timestamp format is " "inconsistent" ) # Store the values timestamp_for_dim += [timestamp] values_for_dimension += [value] # If this was our first tuple then # we store the type of timestamp we # had if ( prev_timestamp_was_timestamp is None and timestamp_is_timestamp ): prev_timestamp_was_timestamp = True previous_timestamp_was_int = False if ( previous_timestamp_was_int is None and timestamp_is_int ): prev_timestamp_was_timestamp = False previous_timestamp_was_int = True # See if we should add the data for # this dimension if not has_another_value: if len(instance_list) < ( this_line_num_dim + 1 ): instance_list.append([]) if timestamp_is_timestamp: timestamp_for_dim = pd.DatetimeIndex( timestamp_for_dim ) instance_list[this_line_num_dim].append( pd.Series( index=timestamp_for_dim, data=values_for_dimension, ) ) this_line_num_dim += 1 timestamp_for_dim = [] values_for_dimension = [] elif has_another_value: raise TsFileParseException( "dimension " + str(this_line_num_dim + 1) + " on " "line " + str(line_num + 1) + " ends with a ',' that " "is not followed by " "another tuple" ) elif has_another_dimension and class_labels: raise TsFileParseException( "dimension " + str(this_line_num_dim + 1) + " on " "line " + str(line_num + 1) + " ends with a ':' while " "it should list a class " "value" ) elif has_another_dimension and not class_labels: if len(instance_list) < (this_line_num_dim + 1): instance_list.append([]) instance_list[this_line_num_dim].append( pd.Series(dtype=np.float32) ) this_line_num_dim += 1 num_dimensions = this_line_num_dim # If this is the 1st line of data we have seen # then note the dimensions if not has_another_value and not has_another_dimension: if num_dimensions is None: num_dimensions = this_line_num_dim if num_dimensions != this_line_num_dim: raise TsFileParseException( "line " + str(line_num + 1) + " does not have the " "same number of " "dimensions as the " "previous line of " "data" ) # Check that we are not expecting some more data, # and if not, store that processed above if has_another_value: raise TsFileParseException( "dimension " + str(this_line_num_dim + 1) + " on line " + str(line_num + 1) + " ends with a ',' that is " "not followed by another " "tuple" ) elif has_another_dimension and class_labels: raise TsFileParseException( "dimension " + str(this_line_num_dim + 1) + " on line " + str(line_num + 1) + " ends with a ':' while it " "should list a class value" ) elif has_another_dimension and not class_labels: if len(instance_list) < (this_line_num_dim + 1): instance_list.append([]) instance_list[this_line_num_dim].append( pd.Series(dtype="object") ) this_line_num_dim += 1 num_dimensions = this_line_num_dim # If this is the 1st line of data we have seen then # note the dimensions if ( not has_another_value and num_dimensions != this_line_num_dim ): raise TsFileParseException( "line " + str(line_num + 1) + " does not have the same " "number of dimensions as the " "previous line of data" ) # Check if we should have class values, and if so # that they are contained in those listed in the # metadata if class_labels and len(class_val_list) == 0: raise TsFileParseException( "the cases have no associated class values" ) else: dimensions = line.split(":") # If first row then note the number of dimensions ( # that must be the same for all cases) if is_first_case: num_dimensions = len(dimensions) if class_labels: num_dimensions -= 1 for _dim in range(0, num_dimensions): instance_list.append([]) is_first_case = False # See how many dimensions that the case whose data # in represented in this line has this_line_num_dim = len(dimensions) if class_labels: this_line_num_dim -= 1 # All dimensions should be included for all series, # even if they are empty if this_line_num_dim != num_dimensions: raise TsFileParseException( "inconsistent number of dimensions. " "Expecting " + str(num_dimensions) + " but have read " + str(this_line_num_dim) ) # Process the data for each dimension for dim in range(0, num_dimensions): dimension = dimensions[dim].strip() if dimension: data_series = dimension.split(",") data_series = [float(i) for i in data_series] instance_list[dim].append(pd.Series(data_series)) else: instance_list[dim].append(pd.Series(dtype="object")) if class_labels: class_val_list.append(dimensions[num_dimensions].strip()) line_num += 1 # Check that the file was not empty if line_num: # Check that the file contained both metadata and data if metadata_started and not ( has_problem_name_tag and has_timestamps_tag and has_univariate_tag and has_class_labels_tag and has_data_tag ): raise TsFileParseException("metadata incomplete") elif metadata_started and not data_started: raise TsFileParseException("file contained metadata but no data") elif metadata_started and data_started and len(instance_list) == 0: raise TsFileParseException("file contained metadata but no data") # Create a DataFrame from the data parsed above data = pd.DataFrame(dtype=np.float32) for dim in range(0, num_dimensions): data["dim_" + str(dim)] = instance_list[dim] # Check if we should return any associated class labels separately if class_labels: if return_separate_x_and_y: if return_class_labels: return data, np.asarray(class_val_list), class_label_list else: return data, np.asarray(class_val_list) else: data["class_vals"] = pd.Series(class_val_list) if return_class_labels: return data, class_label_list else: return data else: return data else: raise TsFileParseException("empty file")