- torchtime.io.load_from_arff_to_dataframe(file_path: str, return_labels: bool = True, nan_to: str = 'NaN')[source]¶
Load data from a .ts file into a Pandas DataFrame.
- Parameters:
file_path (str) – The full pathname of the .ts file to read.
return_labels (bool) – true then X and Y values should be returned as separate Data Frames ( X) and a numpy array (y), false otherwise. This is only relevant for data.
nan_to (str) – The value that missing values in the text file should be replaced with prior to parsing.
- Returns:
- If return_separate_X_and_y then a tuple containing a DataFrame and a
numpy array containing the relevant time-series and corresponding class values.
- DataFrame: If not return_separate_X_and_y then a single DataFrame containing
all time-series and (if relevant) a column “class_vals” the associated class values.
- Return type:
DataFrame, ndarray